Do you know pop-up-goals? Everyone experiences it: you open a website, and yes, another pop-up appears on your screen. Often these are meaningless messages, or the irritation factor is so high that you immediately click away from the pop-up. But why is this method still used?

Because it works.

That is if you use it correctly.

Read on to find out how you can still use Pop-ups effectively without annoying your visitors.

What are good popups, and what ingredients do you use?

How do you avoid annoying your visitors with your pop-ups, which data do you use, and where and when you show the pop-up?

We will discuss this and more based on several valuable tips. Your use of pop-ups will never be the same after this. Ready? Here we go.

Pop-up-goals that bring your customers

The purpose of a popup can be different. What do you want to achieve, and how does your popup help your visitors to the goal? If the goal is not clear, a pop-up is counterproductive. You want your visitor to take the next step.

Don’t immediately pop a sales message into your popup. Rather show something that invites and ensures genuine contact with your visitor.

A good pop-up is a difference between a salesperson who, when you enter a store, immediately shouts, “Hey, buy this!” and a salesperson who greets you without intrusion.

Think about a logical next step and how your message connects with it. Think about when your popup will appear. After scrolling, immediately when opening the website, after x number of seconds?

The more unusual the pop-up, the better it works. This can also be done by generating a certain “irritation” in the design: contrast, placement, movement of parts.

Stimulate your visitors and test which style produces the best results. Make sure to test your popups and find out which style works best. If you are using the latest version of Webnemer, you can easily test which placement, design, style, etc., of your pop-up, works best.

Do not be irritated by a difficult-to-close pop-up. A clear cross, scrolling, or clicking on the screen is sufficient to prevent this.

Already in possession of visitor data? Personalize the pop-up for a personal feel for the visitor. “Good afternoon John, you will receive more tips about…” is more personal than “Check out these tips.”

You can also personalize based on behavior if you have no data. When someone visits page A about topic A, show a pop-up about A. Immerse yourself in your visitor, and your pop-up will be more effective.

If you have watched previous episodes of Wednesday Gemakdag, you know how to find out all the data of your visitors via Google Analytics.

Before you start, pay attention to the most common analytics mistakes.

Figures speak the truth. Keep testing and <a href=”/conversion- optimization/”> optimize your conversion rate </a>. Do not stop when you think you have found the best effectiveness. What works today doesn’t have to deliver the same success tomorrow.

Get started and make your website even better with your knowledge about pop-ups.

With this edition, you know to use your pop-ups most effectively. Check out the other episodes for the latest Google tips, SEO, marketing, and websites.

A new episode will be available next week. We’ll see you then!

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