Creating new content is easy in the beginning. After 20 blog posts or maybe even 50 blog posts, your bottomless pit of ideas may have reached a bottom! What are you doing then? Giving up blogging? Steal other people’s items? How about rewriting articles or offering an article rewriting service?

How can you rewrite your old articles?

Reuse your old content? That may sound a bit stupid, but actually it is only very beneficial. If you look at your statistics, you will see that many articles are doing very well. Other pieces may not have attracted visitors for a while. You could then reuse these items! You can do this in several ways:

  • Merge articles on the same topic
  • List articles on the same topic
  • Re-share via social media
  • Rewrite the article
  • Rewrite a Guest Post
  • Provide article rewriting service

Merge articles on the same topic

Do you have more than two articles on the same subject that you are not happy with or two concise articles on the same topic? Then merge them into one new content. Use only the relevant information and make it another killer blog post!

List articles on the same topic

Do you already have several articles about the same thing? Then put them together on a separate page or in a separate blog post. Write a unique text for this page, of course, more than 300 words and then link to the articles that belong to it. I also made a separate blog post where everyone can see which articles belong. You could also write a summary for each link.

Use old content for social media

Is your article still completely up-to-date and super interesting for your readers? Then share your blog post again on social media. For example, Twitter is very suitable for this because (almost) no one gets to see all your Tweets. Have you shared a blog post too many times? Then use your article to post a quote, tip or photo on social media.

Rewrite articles

This is my favorite way to reuse old content. When you read your first articles after a few months, you are probably no longer delighted. I have that too! In addition, it is also possible that the information is no longer relevant or up to date. So what are you going to do then? Rewrite articles!


  • Your new visitors will see these old articles again
  • The article is also relevant for old visitors
  • Good for SEO because you can make your page much stronger
  • You are aware of new information
  • It takes less time than coming up with and writing a whole new article

When you rewrite an article, you don’t have to mold it into the same form immediately. You could also turn a written article into a video, an infographic or a photo report. Different people like different types of content.

Pay attention! There are two ways to rewrite your article. You can edit the existing content, but the blog post will not appear on the home page. In addition, you can also rewrite the blog post and use a new URL. In that case, delete the old article and redirect the old URL so that the visitor ends up at the new content.

Update Guest Post

Finally, you could also rewrite a Guest Post for your own blog. It’s always a bit of a shame if you’ve spent a lot of work on an article that can’t be posted on your blog. It is, of course, not the intention that you post the Guest Post one on one on your blog, but with sufficient adjustments, you can.

Besides, you can provide an article rewriting service on different marketplaces such as Upwork, Fiverr, Freelancer, etc. Earn a handsome amount by doing it.

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